Audiologist Rebecca Robertson  of our Turramurra clinic demonstrating the Redcat Classroom Amplification system.

Hear Clear Australia are proud to announce the gift of better hearing to the children of Dubbo Public School.

Children from preschool to year 4 are prone to muffled hearing particularly in the winter months due to a common Ear Nose and Throat issue called Otitis Media. This build up of mucous behind the eardrum due to colds ar allergies can for months at time muffle the hearing of the child. In turn this can drop the child’s attention in the classroom. Literacy and overall learning suffers.

The Redcat overcomes this problem. The teacher wearing the wireless microphone broadcasts to the Redcat speaker. With its patented system this in turn amplifies sound evenly across the classroom enabling children with the loss due to OM and those with normal hearing to hear clearer. 

Distance from the teacher, background noise, the use of face masks and poor room acoustics are also overcome. Other children with normal hearing but other attentional issues also greatly benefit.

Learning is easier and teachers report easier  teaching with less repeated instructions and far less vocal strain, thus making better outcomes for teacher and student alike.

Hear-Clear Australia is proud to support better hearing through the Dubbo Deaf Club and the Hear Our Heart service through out the Dubbo District.